My Favorite Pianist is Debussy

His music is AMAZING! I have recently been playing some if his music and am currently trying to learn one of my favorite pieces by him: Clair de Lune.

He has always played some of the best piano music. I, when I listen to his music, can picture something in my mind. For example, his famous piece, L'isle Joyeuse, gives me the image of a dark, eerie night towards the beginning of the song, and then I see a beautiful sunrise towards the middle to end of the song. This music is truly wonderful!

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Mar 10, 2017
by: kaylee

Debussy is an amazingly talented man and I'll always consider him my favorite.

Sep 18, 2015
Nice post
by: Anonymous

I agree with you and your outstanding ideas and I am happy to see this post, this is an informative post hi thanks for nice sharing.

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